Thank you, Stranger

If you're here because of the lovely about the New Haven Review by Paul Constant at The Stranger, thanks for coming by. Mr. Constant is the books editor at Seattle's only newspaper, and we're delighted by his enthusiasm. We only hope that we can live up to his expectations. Retroactively, we also owe a great deal of thanks to John Stoehr, arts editor at the Charleston City Paper, first for an engaging and generous that mentioned us back in August 2007, when we released our first issue, and then for another mention in January in a about the future of newspapers. Many people visited our old website (now defunct, happily) due to him.

So thank you both, Mr. Constant and Mr. Stoehr, and welcome to all of you who came by on their advice. Look for our next review, coming in just a few days. Meanwhile, we're currently copyediting the print edition (Issue 2) and preparing to send it to the printer. It should be out in early May. Then we party. Then we do it all again.

is an editor of the New Haven Review.