Thanks, National Book Critics Circle

We just got a nice shout-out from the blog of the National Book Critics Circle. If that's what brings you here, then welcome. It’s true: in addition to our print version, published twice annually, we’ll be posting reviews of unfairly neglected books on our website. A couple things: 1) By “neglected,” that doesn’t mean Walter Kirn dissed the book in the Times and nobody else reviewed it. It means the book was missed by the Times, The New York Review, Washington Post Book World, etc., etc. As in, nobody’s heard of the book. In our hopper we have one review of a book also reviewed in The Nation, but it’s a book of poetry, so our hearts went out to it. 2) If you want to get in touch with us, navigate around our site at left—you’ll find a mailing address and emails. 3) A small correction to the NBCC post: we’ll be running one review every Monday, not four. They got confused because there are four up right now (see below). But those were posted over a period of four weeks. In time, we may begin posting more than once a week. Meantime, we are looking to put up an RSS feed, so you can just get yourselves a little helping of neglected-book-review to start your week every Monday.


is an editor of the New Haven Review.